Know someone who could use
a little cyber security in their life?

Refer them to Kalnara
and earn up to
$250* for each referral!

*Subject to Terms and Conditions – please see below.

There’s no limit
on the number of referrals
you can make, so start referring today!

First, tell us about you!

Your First Name *
Fill out this field
Your Last Name *
Fill out this field
Your Email Address *
Please enter a valid email address.
Your Phone Number *
Fill out this field
Select an option

Tell Us about your Referral!

Referral First Name *
Fill out this field
Referral Last Name *
Fill out this field
What company does your Referral work for? *
Fill out this field
What is your Referral's Title? *
Fill out this field
Referral Work Email address *
Please enter a valid email address.
Referral Work Phone Number *
Fill out this field
Select an option
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Enter the equation result to proceed

Terms and Conditions

  • Referrals and referrers MUST be located in Canada, excluding Québec.
  • Referrer MUST and agree to receive emails from Kalnara as long as they wish to participate.
  • Referrer MUST have a relationship with the referral being made.
  • Referrer must provide the referral’s business email address. Free email services such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Outlook are not eligible.
  • Kalnara’s Referral Program may be changed or cancelled at any time, without notice.
  • Referral rewards may be substituted at Kalnara’s discretion, to something of equal or greater value.
  • Referrals must be new, not previously submitted by anyone, and cannot already be engaged with Kalnara as a prospect or client.
  • Referrals must be someone who has purchasing and/or decision-making authority within their company.
  • Reward value is based on the first purchase made by a referral, within three (3) months of being referred.
  • There is no limit on the number of valid referrals a referrer can make.
  • Kalnara’s Referral Program is valid only where legal, and excludes Québec.
  • All referrers and referrals must be 18 years of age or older.

Please Note: The Government of Canada requires us to issue a T4A if an individual receives $500 or more in a tax year from us. If your rewards are anticipated to exceed that value, we will contact you to obtain your information to complete the T4A before any additional rewards are issued.